Hamilton LaboratoriesHamilton C shell 2012


Oregon Coast

Update to Hamilton C shell 2012

Latest version

Any Hamilton C shell license – no matter how old – can be updated for $59. But if your copy of Hamilton C shell was purchased or last updated after January 1, 2011, this update is free. (Just send us mail.)

The big news is the Hamilton C shell has been completely rebuilt for Windows 7, 64 bits and with new documentation.

The 64-bit version requires 64-bit Windows but is a bit faster than the 32-bit version and avoids having to run under the file system redirector Windows uses when running 32-bit applications on a 64-bit system. Both the 32 and 64-bit versions can be installed side-by-side a 64-bit machine.

In addition, there are a number of important language enhancements and improvements to the utilities, including the new su (superuser) command and a new ``...`` command substitution facility that pastes entire lines of output from the child onto the command line, retaining any embedded spaces or special characters. This finally solves the problem of dealing with pathnames under Windows that contain these characters.

What we hope you'll like most is the new documentation that you're looking at here. We've tried hard to make it much easier to navigate and much nicer and more modern to look at.

See also

Release notes
Summary of recent changes