Hamilton LaboratoriesHamilton C shell 2012User guideSamplessh2csh.csh


Oregon Coast

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#  Miscellaneous fixups.
#  Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by Hamilton Laboratories.  All rights reserved.

#     1. The # beginning a comment must be followed by white space.
#        Special case #=== lines to delete one =.

#     2. /dev/null (Unix)     -->   nul (OS/2 or NT)

#     3. $? (sh status)       -->   $status (csh status)

#     4. $! (sh last child)   -->   $child (csh last child)

#     5. $0                   -->   $scriptname

#     6. $1 thru $9           -->   $0 thru $8

#     7. kill -9 pid          -->   kill ppid

#     8. Escape any :'s following a variable reference.

#     9. Fixup any : null statements as ; statements and any : statements
#        as tests in a while.

#     10. Fixup any if's without then's and any fi's that might have
#        sneaked thru during case fixups.

#     11. Fixup any pipes that continue to the next line by escaping
#        the line ends.

#     12. let                -->    @

/#[^  ]/{
   s/#/# /
/# $/s/ $//






/^[   ]*kill -9 \$/s/-9 /p/


/^[   ]*while[    ]*:$/s/:/( 1 )/

   /case/ ! {
      /default/ ! s/:/;/

/^[   ]*fi[    ]*$/s/fi/end/
/^[   ]*if/{
   /then$/ ! s/$/ then/

/^[^#].*|$/s/$/ ^/

/^[   ]*let[   ]/s/let/@/

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