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        Hamilton C shell(tm) 

Usage:  csh [-!BbefFhHiKLlNnPQ.sTtuxXYZ-] [-IO] [+IO]
                   [-cC command] [arguments]


   -!   Ignore errors:  Continue execution even if a command
        terminates abnormally.  (Implied by interactive.)
   -B   Berkeley mode for better compatibility with the BSD4.3
        C shell for all commands, not just those read from a
        script starting with #!/bin/csh.
   -b   No Berkeley compatibility mode at all, not even on scripts
        starting with #!/bin/csh.
   -c   Execute the command following on the command line, then
        exit.  (Implies not interactive.)
   -C   Normally, this means immediately run the command on the
        command line, then continue with normal startup and
        processing of stdin.  But for compatibility with cmd.exe,
        the -X option may be used to toggle this to have the same
        meaning as -c but with the initial greeting and copyright
        notice suppressed.
   -e   Echo the raw input to stdout.  (Sets echoallinput = 1.)
   -f   Fast startup:  Don't look for a startup.csh file.
   -F   Faster startup:  Don't look for a startup.csh file and
        don't hash the path directores.
   -H   Heapstats.  At some penalty in performance, this causes the
        shell to keep a count of the number and total size of all
        objects allocated or freed from the heap.  Statistics can be
        displayed using the heapstat command.
   -i   Interactive (even if stdin appears to be a file or a pipe):
        Prompt for input and show the result of history substitutions.
   -I   Start with command-line editing in insert mode.
   +I   Start every command in insert mode.
   -K   Do a fast startup, skipping both the login.csh and startup.csh
        files, run the command on the command line, and exit.
   -L   Login shell:  Look for login.csh and do history save at exit
        if savehist == 1.
   -l   Same as -L, meaning this is a login shell.
   -N   No space after the last filename generated by filename
        completion.  This is the default and overrides -S.
   -n   No execution:  Parse commands looking for syntax errors but
        don't execute them.
   -O   Start with command-line editing in overstrike (default) mode.
   +O   Start every command in overstrike mode.
   -P   Word-oriented command line editing operations will treat
        individual pathname segments as separate words.
   -Q   Quiet:  Skip the opening copyright notice.
   -.   Used with -P, causes periods to be considered as word
        separators in command line editing of pathnames.
   -s   Read and execute a single line from stdin.  (Implies not
   -S   Put a space after the last filename generated by filename
        completion.  Overrides -N.
   -T   Plain Tab key.   Tab and BackTab are normally used to do
        filename completion and to walk file-by-file through the
        list of filenames that were matched.  To type an ordinary
        Tab character, Ctrl-Tab is used.  This option reverses Tab
        and Ctrl-Tab, making Tab a plain character and Ctrl-Tab the
        filename completion key.
   -t   Suppress callstack tracing.  Error messages will not include
        a dump of the callstack but performance will be improved
   -u   Reads from devices or pipes should be unbuffered.  (Intended
        to allow the shell to be used over a comm line.)
   -x   When used with -c or -C, the first argument word is taken as
        the command, to be parsed as a string.  The remaining
        arguments are placed in the argv shell variable.  This is
        for compatibity with GNU tcsh and make.
   -X   Toggle between the normal meaning of -C and a cmd.exe-
        compatible interpretation.  You can set this with the
        CSHOPTIONS environmental variable in combination with
        setting COMSPEC to point to the C shell to allow programs
        that use /C to pass commands to cmd.exe to be used with
        the C shell instead.
   -Y   No Interrupts.  Leave the keyboard in whatever state it
        was in at startup; don't force Ctrl-C to be an interrupt.
        (Useful for running the C shell inside an Emacs buffer.)
   -Z   Very special purpose:  Don't bump the maximum FAT filesystem
        open file handle limit during shell initialization.
   -h   Help.  (This screen.)
   --   End of options.

(The slash, "/", may be used instead of a minus to introduce
options for the C shell.  For all the utilities, but not the C
shell itself, the SWITCHCHARS variable may be used to set a
different set of characters to introduce options.)

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