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        A Better Windows NT More Filter

Usage:  hmore [-#IezinNwcvbodxCh-][-r<radix>][-t<tabs>][-s<scroll>]
                 [file1 file2 ...]

   This more provides a number of advantages over the standard NT
   more.com filter.  It's faster, goes backwards and forwards through
   a file, can search for character strings or matches to regular
   expressions and can display binary data embedded in the text.
   As it reads a file, it builds an ISAM structure on-the-fly that
   lets it jump to a specific line number almost instantaneously.
   It's designed for very fast browsing.

   On-line help is available for the key bindings by pressing "h"
   when you see the Press H for Help prompt at the bottom of a
   screenful of data.


   -#         Show line numbers.
   -C         Don't clear the screen before each new screenful.
   -I         Start up in case-independent search mode.
   -e         Search using regular expressions.
   -z         Inverted search:  search for lines that do NOT match
              the search string or regular expression.
   -i         Go into Interactive mode immediately, which means clear
              the screen first for faster painting and put up the
              Press H for Help prompt rather than just exiting if
              there's less than a screenful of input.
   -N         No stretch.  Don't stretch color changes out to the
              right edge of the screen.
   -n         Next file option.  Pressing space bar when the end-of-file
              message is displayed causes more to continue with the
              next file or to exit if there are no more files.
   -s<scroll> Set the integer default scroll amount.
   -t<tabs>   Set tabs every integer number of spaces.
   -w         Enable mouse wheel scrolling.

   -c         Show non-printables in C language style.
   -v         Make non-printables Visible as control characters.
   -b         Show Binary values of non-printable characters.

   -o         Use Octal for binary data.
   -d         Use Decimal for binary data.
   -x         Use Hexadecimal for binary data.
   -r<radix>  Use user-specified radix for binary data.

   -h         Help.  (This screen.)
   --         End of options.  (Useful if a filename begins with "-".)

   Initial tab settings and radix values are taken from the
   environmental TABS and RADIX variables if they're defined.
   Otherwise, TABS=8 and RADIX=16 is assumed.

Regular Expressions:

   Searching can be done for simple literal strings or for matches
   to regular expressions, which are written in this notation,
   in decreasing precedence:

      c        Any ordinary character matches itself.
      \c       Match the literal character c.  Certain
               characters are treated specially:

                 \a  Audible Alert (Bell)    \r  Carriage Return
                 \b  BackSpace               \t  Tab
                 \f  Form Feed               \v  Vertical Tab
                 \n  NewLine                 \\  Single BackSlash

                 \x  The next one or two characters are treated
                     as hex digits specifying the character code.

      ^        Beginning of line.
      $        End of line.
      .        Match any single character.
      [...]    Match any single character in the list.
      [^...]   Match any single character not in the list.
      \n       Match whatever literal text the n'th tagged
               \(...\) expression matched.
      r*       Match zero or more occurrences of r.
      r\{n\}   Match exactly n occurrences of r, where n is an
               unsigned decimal integer.
      r\{n,\}  Match at least n occurrences of r.
      r\{n,m\} Match at least n, but not more than m occurrences
               of r.
      r\{,m\}  Match at most m occurrences of r.
      r1r2     Match expression r1 followed by r2.
      \(r\)    Tagged regular expression.  Match the pattern
               inside the \(...\), and remember the literal
               text that matched.
   A regular expression pattern cannot contain Null, NewLine or
   CarriageReturn characters.


   You may set your own choices for screen colors using these
   environmental variables:

      Name         Use                             Default
      COLORS       Normal screen colors            <null string>
      MOREEOF      End or Top of File messages     Green
      MORETOPMEM   Top of Memory message           Bright Yellow
      MOREPROMPT   Prompt line at the bottom       Red on White
      MOREFILLIN   Characters typed at the prompt  Black
      MOREERROR    Unrecognizable command errors   Bright White on Red

   Colors recognized are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta
   (or red blue), cyan (or blue green) or white.  Foreground and
   background colors may also be bright, dim or reverse.  The names
   of the colors and the words bright, dim, reverse and on may be
   in either upper or lower or mixed case.

   Either or both the foreground and background colors may be
   specified; if you don't specify a value, it's considered
   transparent and inherits the color underneath it.   MOREERROR
   and MOREEOF inherit from COLORS.  If COLORS is null, more uses
   the current screen colors it finds at startup.

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