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        Remove Files or Directories

Usage:  hrm [-rfcHSxZilh-] pathname1 [ pathname2 ... ]

   rm can delete both files and directories.  If you try to remove
   a file with one of the special mode bits set (see chmod) or a
   directory that's not empty, it'll refuse unless you use one of
   the options to let it know that's really what you mean.


  -r    Recursively remove non-empty directories.
  -f    Force read-only files or directories to be removed.  Also,
        warn about but otherwise ignore attempts to remove non-
        existent files.
  -H    Hidden files or directories can be removed.
  -S    System files or directories can be removed.
  -x    All of the above.  Same as -rfHS
  -c    Continue even if errors are encountered attempting to
        process some files or directories.
  -Z    Write binary zeros across any files being deleted before
        removing them, thus preventing anyone from recovering the
        data using an "undelete" program.
  -i    Interactive:  Ask before removing each object on the
        command line.
  -l    Logging is on:  Display the name of each file or directory
        as it's removed.
  -h    Help (this screen.)
  --    End of options.  (Useful if filenames start with "-".)

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