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        Move Files or Directories

Usage:  mv [-cfilmsh-][+s] source1 [ source2 ... ] destination

   mv is an intelligent file or directory mover.  It's able to
   move either files or directories regardless of whether the
   source and destination are in the same directory or even the
   same drive.

   Files being moved anywhere on the same partition are simply
   renamed; the data stays where it is.  Moving a file to a
   different partition is done by copying the file and then
   deleting the original.  If you move a directory but it keeps
   the same parent, that also is a simple rename.  Moving a
   directory to a new parent is done by a mkdir in the new parent
   and moving all the directory contents using the same "rename
   where possible" strategy recursively.

   By default, security descriptors and access control lists are not
   copied from source to destination.  This is in keeping with the
   Windows convention that security is generally inherited through
   the directory structure.


  -c    Continue even if errors are encountered attempting to
        process some input files or directories.
  -f    Force read-only files to be overwritten.
  -i    Interactive:  Ask before moving each object on the command
  -l    Logging is on:  Display the name of each file or directory
        as it's moved.
  -m    Merge sub-directories of same name in source and destination.
  -s    Simple move.  (Default.)  Do not copy security descriptors
        and access control lists.
  +s    Copy security descriptors and access lists.  Under Windows 9x
        or if the destination filesystem does not support ACLs,
        that's not possible and the security information will be
        lost. This is not considered an error and no diagnostic message
        is given.

  -h    Help (this screen.)
  --    End of options.  (Useful if filenames start with "-".)

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