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        Print Path Hashing Performance Statistics

Usage:  hashstat [-h-]

   Summarize the recent effectiveness of the path hashing mechanism.

   Hamilton C shell uses a hashing mechanism to help it decide which
   path directories and filetype extensions should be tried first when
   looking for an executable file.  This way, it avoids wasting time with
   requests to the NT kernel to look for files that are known to be
   non-existent.  Sometimes, the first guess made this way is wrong (the
   hash says a file might exist, but it doesn't) and the shell has to try
   again with a different directory or extension.

   hashstat shows you the hit rate, which is the number of hits divided
   by the number of tries (hits plus misses).  Blindspots are files that
   aren't found using the hash but are found on a second pass, using an
   exhaustive search.  Blindspots happen when you add new files to a path
   directory; when detected, they cause the directory to be rehashed.

   (See also the rehash and unhash commands.)


   -h   Help.  (This screen.)
   --   End of options.

(The slash, "/", may be used instead of a minus to introduce
options.  To specify a different set of characters to introduce
options, use the SWITCHCHARS environmental variable.)

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