Kill Specified Process or Thread Activity Usage: kill [-x!h-] scheduling_id [ scheduling_id ... ] Terminate specific activities. Normally, only direct child processes can be killed. Only certain threads will respond to a kill; you cannot inadvertantly kill normal internal housekeeping. Requests to kill a process are normally carried out by sending a Ctrl-Break event to the process and its children. Ctrl-Break isn't guaranteed to work (any given process may choose to ignore it) but if it does, it's guaranteed that process will terminate cleanly, releasing any DLL's it's using. Scheduling_ids are the job, thread or process indentifiers as reported by the ps command. An all-numeric id indicates a background job; an id beginning with 't' indicates a thread; 'p' indicates a process. Options: -x Kill even processes that are not direct children. -! Kill processes using TerminateProcess, not Ctrl-Break. This will kill almost anything (a process cannot ignore it) but since its effect is immediate, any DLL's in use will not necessarily clean up properly. -h Help. (This screen.) -- End of options. (The slash, "/", may be used instead of a minus to introduce options. To specify a different set of characters to introduce options, use the SWITCHCHARS environmental variable.) |